What is Interactive artificial intelligence web tool and how it is useful?
NoTensions Interactive AI is a web tool that helps to display a subscriber’s interactive media on two separate web URL by submitting an interactive media (video, photos) only once. It is configured manually once after purchasing a lifetime access subscription. The first URL is the primary web system that is available after free registration; however, the secondary URL is the digital marketing artificial intelligence web system that is refreshed with time. However, both web system is the integrated programming function of a main web system. If a subscriber posts a video and photo on the primary URL after registration, the videos and photos are also available on the secondary URL if the subscription is completed. Similarly, if the videos and photos are deleted from the primary URL, they are also deleted from the secondary URL, both the URL refresh automatically.
Research objective
- Registering a Digital Identity
- Securing subscriber profiles by restricting internal access
- High-quality front-end resemblance, interactive media
- Market use of the artificial intelligence interactive page through the integration of a payment system
- Social share by using the URL of an artificial intelligence page
- Front end: HTML, CSS
- Back end: JavaScript, Java, PHP, My SQL
- Easily share the URL structure with other media.
- Privacy and security in the subscriber profile
- Influencer marketing
- Business registration
- Academic purpose
- Domain marketing
- URL sharing
“Interactive AI is a multifunctional AI tool to securely register a digital identity.”
“A creation of my imagination, a thought process that I have built in the form of a beautiful website”.
Deepak Arya